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Her Wits About Her, by Denise Caignon and Gail Groves

"Her Wits About Her: Self-Defense Success Stories by Women" by Denise Caignon og Gail Groves


This inspiring book is written by Denise Caignon and Gail Groves. They are the co-founders of: "Women Who Resist: The Success Story Project". My advice to you is to get out and get hold of this book. Not only that, but read it as well! Anyone determined to believe that women can not fight back (yep, there are a few cave-men out there still, I'm afraid) should get this book. And while you're at it, read this book as well.

The book (this is a signed first edition) was printed as early as in 1987. Unfortunately the topic is still as much neede today. This simply because there are those (men and women) who are led to believe, or who insists on thinking that there is no way a woman can successfully defend herself against a male attacker. Sad, but true...

The book is compiled from a long line of stories, told by women who used various strategies to defend themselves. The incidents they are telling us about has been anything from harassment to massive cases of violence and attempted rape. The strategies in use has been spanning from verbal, mental, passive and emotional resistance and all the way to all out physically fighting back. In many cases two or more strategies have been used at once or in combinations (like one strategy leading to another).

The main part of these stories are about women being harrassed and attacked by strangers. This is in part an indication of how difficult it is to use some ot these forms of "self-defense" against a friend, aquaintance, spouse, or family member. It is also telling us that it is indeed easier to come forward with rape and sexual attacks done by strangers, even if they are greatly outnumbered by sexual attacks commited by people the woman is aquainted to or related to.

Anyone teaching self-defense for girls/women, and everyone interested in this topic (that should be most people doing martial arts and/or self-defense...) must get this book and read it! And by all means - you may feel free to shove a couple of them down the throats of the archaic cave-men or cave-women out there! Thankfully they are a dying breed, but they make such a noise, and they are hampering the progress of young women. Here's what I have to say: "We have heard you, now shut up and disappear!"

It is not like we shall try to convince anyone, or lead anyone to belive, that it is easy to defend yourself against a violent attack! Simpy because it never will be. It takes all your willpower, all you resources and all your might. What we shall try to do is to state that it is possible - more often than what most people are ready to believe. Our ultimate weapon is situated between our ears - it is called the brain - and that is what we have to develop first and foremost if we (male or female) are to succeed. First we have to believe that it is possible!

You may get this book through Amazon (link in the left column), or you may search for it on Abebooks. Just make sure you buy it today!

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Denise Caignon and Gail Groves

bullet Published:

New York, 1987

bullet By:

Perennial Library

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