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The Fence: The Art of Protection, by Geoff Thompson

"The Fence", en bok av Geoff Thompspon

For many years Geoff Thompson worked the doors in many of the roughest and meanest clubs, bars and night-spots in Great Britain as a respected and also much feared bouncer. From this period he wrote a long line of bestsellers like: "The Bouncer", "Dead or Alive" and "Watch My Back". The books describe in gruelling details a life of violence and "survival of the fittest" (and toughest). Make no mistake about it, Mr. Thompson is the real deal, and he was on the top of the food chain in this "game"!

In his later years Geoff Thompson has come to other and more socially accepted conclusions about the use of violence and brutal force in order to solve conflicts. Had it come from a desktop warrior we could easily have shrugged it off as some psychological ga-ga. But because Thompson has lived, seen, heard and felt the consequences we are much better off to lend him an ear (or better still, two)! In this book, as well as books like: "The Art of Fighting Without Fighting", he presents other solutions than a "proper fist" to solve the epidemic of violent confrontations.

"The Fence" is about stances, posturing and positioning (the use of "guard" if you will), and the practical no-nonsense use of this. We're talking about on defensive as well as offensive terms here.

This is a book that will give a lot of solid, practical advice and background to anyone into bouncing, security issues, self-defense, law-enforcement or conflict management of any kind. Apart from searching Amazon (link in the left column), I would also suggest you try Abebooks. They have a heap load of stuff that is no longer possible to buy from regular bookstores or publishers.

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Geoff Thompson

bullet Published:

UK, 1998

bullet By:

Summersdale Publishers

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