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Stopping Rape: Successful Survial Strategies

Stopping rape, by Bart og O'Brien

This book is what you would easily call a true classic. Almost anyone and everyone (worth their salt) working on self-defense and security related issues for women, refer to this book from time to time. It is written by Pauline B. Bart and Patricia H. O'Brien, and it was printed originally in 1985.

The book was the first to address those women who had fought back and avoided being raped. It shows the various strategies that women have utilized under these extreme conditions; from talking back, to screaming, running and fighting. Is it a good book: Yes! Is it also an important book: Oh, yes! In the voice of two scientists: "(..) This is the kind of book that mothers (and fathers) should give their daughters." I totally agree.

The reason why this is a good book is because it is very thorough and methodical. What makes it an important book is the fact that it shows that it is not only possible to fight back - it is important to fight back! By and large it concludes without doubt (in general) that you will be less, not more harmed if you resist strongly, early and consistently. It also shows that those who succeed often used more than one strategy. Further it is pointed out that those who did not resist, or who followed the "politically correct" advice to beg, go along with demands or remain passive, almost always were raped.

Bart and O'Brien interviewed 94 women, eighteen or older. 51 had avoided rape, 43 had been raped. All the situations had occurred less than two years prior to the interviews. The clearest conclusion from the statistical material is this: Those who begged, cried or remained passive was more prone to being raped. Those who fought back and used other strategies like running, talking, stalling, screaming etc. were much more likely to avoid the trauma of rape.

Naturally there is far more in this book than interviews, statistical material and conclusion based on this. In the book you will find background information about the actual rape situation, the reason why men commit rape, as well as other things.

If you are in any way interested in this topic as a woman or teacher/instructor, then do yourself a favor and get this book - better still: do it now! Should you have any doubt about the importance to be clear about you boundaries and the importance to offer active resistance, then do read the book!

ISBN nr.:



Pauline B. Bart and Patricia H. O'Brien


New York, 1993


Teachers College Press

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