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Self Defense and Physical Finess, by Antonino Rocca

Antonino Rocca: "Self Defense and Physical Fitness"

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There are times when I sit here, writing about other peoples books that a weird though comes kind of sneaking in. What if this person finds out about it - and what if he/she does not like what they hear or read at all? And suppose this person is the kind of guy (or gal) that intend to "do something" about it...? The author of "Self Defense and Physical Fitness", Antonino Rocca, does indeed look like the kind of guy who you wish to have in your corner. He's built like a tank - big, hairy, pro wrestler, probably from Italian ancestors and with connections to guys who mutters: "Kiss the ring Tony" with whiskey voices... Ok, our man here may be an elderly gentleman these days, but he may also have family that have a somewhat different view on terms like respect and honor, and that likes to put concrete boots on people for less insults than a bad review. Oh, well...

Family or no family, saying that this is a great book would not be fair towards books that are great. At least it goes for the part that deals with the self-defense - that's our main interest here after all. Do you hear me Rocca: The fitness part is ok - oops, I mean: Very good Antonino, outstanding, couldn't be any better, first class, top notch, way to go!

Also the front cover is great. A New York fashion model (Heather Hewitt), throwing our friend Antonino Rocca with an ippon seoi nage (shoulder throw). Antonino is probably a nice fellow, and I got to hand it to him, he can take great action shots! The rest of the self-defense part is something that is better forgotten, the sooner the better. It's a hit and miss affair with techniques for both genders - not a lot, and not too good. I am sure that the techniques one by one would work, it's just the setting and the combination of things that are not quite "up to date".

Rocca looks like a bad image of a bouncer, and some of the techniques are in the same ballpark. Ok, I've said it - time to start looking over my shoulder at frequent intervals.

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Autor:

Antonino Rocca

bullet Published:

New York, 1965

bullet By:

Pocket Books Inc.

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