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The PDF Problem Solved, by Jesse Gilbert

The PDF Problem Solved

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Adobe's Acrobat format (pdf) is widely recognised as the ultimate solution to electronic documents delivered by mail, CD/DVD, ftp, web-sites etc. There are plenty of reasons to this fact. First of all you have the security features, and the fact that you easily can scale a pdf-document. Everything is kept in it's original place as the documant is scaled. A pdf-file is also considerably smaller in size than say a similar Word-dokument, and it is searchable. Last, but no least, a pdf file work on all platforms (Windows, Mac and Linux). I forgot to mention: You can convert html, doc, jpg (pictures) and other formats directly into PDF's, and you can make a pdf to open in a browser-window.

Acrobat PDF's are used to deliver originals to the printers (for professional printings also) and to send secure (and even encrypted and password protected) documents. It's in use to produce e-books, flyers, invitations, brochures and more. Very handy indeed. Personally I use pdf and nothing else to make articles, e-books and other materials. I start up with making the document in Words before I convert it to a secure pdf-file.

There are some obstacles however..., and this is where the book you are looking at here hits a home run. First of all Acrobat from Adobe is very expensive program to buy. Then you have the issue of making quality documents (originals) without shelling out more money to invest heavily in DTP (desk-top publshing programs like PageMaker or Publisher). It is also rather time-consuming to learn all these programs. I can easily testify to the fact that it takes a lot of time to get the grips of it all. Believe me, I've spent a significant amount of time and money on this.

And guess what? I ended up with the exact solutions that are outlined in: "The PDF Problem Solved: Create Stunning PDF's Without Spending a Dime!" In that respect I can recommend the book without reservations. If only I had found this book a year or two earlier! Maybe I would have kept more of my own hair :-)

The book will show you, step by step how to use free and relatively easy programs. Not easy to master on your own, I can assure you that! First you make the book, article, brochure, manual or what ever you're working on in Words (it is a massivly powerful program), or in Open Office (a free alternative to Microsoft Word). Then you convert the dokument to pdf using pdf995 - it's a snap when you know how. You will learn how to make a nice layout with headers and footers, embed pictures, tables and other things (you can even embed sound and video into a pdf document). Then you create clickable hyper-links, bookmarks and similar. Finally you convert the document and secure it in pdf995.

There is very little to mention on a negative note about the book and all the bonuses that comes with it. The only nag is with one of the bonuses in fact. Alex Mandossian has some great videos included - but man, what a dreadful, whining voice! You get a headache after a few minutes listening to that one-of-a-kind terrible voice. A shame really, since the videos are great. He should really have someone doing a voice-over, because this is like listening to first rounds of Pop-Idol, only 10 times worse (yes, it is that bad!). Holy smoke!

Ok, enough already! If you wish to produce great looking pdf's at an unbeatable price, this is the book to get. You will save youself a lot of time and trouble, not to mention the money you can use on other things. Click here and start making that perfect book only you can write!

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Jesse Gilbert

bullet Published:

USA, 2003

bullet By:

Bay Hills Enterprises

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