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On Combat, by Dave Grossman and Loren W. Christensen

"On Combat: The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and Peace" by Grossman and Christensen

Lt. Col. Dave Grossman has also written the highly acclaimed book "On Killing". Here he has teamed up with another well-known figure and respected author, Loren W. Christensen to produce a book that receives rave reviews all over: "On Combat". Christensen has written and co-written many books, amongst them: "Timing in the Fighting Arts", and "Fighter's Fact Book".

This book hits bulls-eye for anyone working with violent people, self-defense, criminals, weapons tactics and training, police and army personell, prevention and de-escalation of violence. It says something vital about the use of lethal force and facing it - and it gives insight into how one can regain ones life after extreme conflicts and violence. The second part of the book is dedicated solely to this field, and covers (amongst other things of course) what is termed Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTS). PTS is common amongst survivors of grave conflicts, war veterans, victims of violence (very common amongst victims of rape) and others who have faced any trauma.

From the title it is easy to be led to believe that this is a book for army and police personnel and their families alone. It is indeed for those groups too of course, but also for anyone concerned with fighting, martial arts and self-defense. The authors describe, with great detail and insight, the psychological and physiological changes a person will encounter during extreme situations of stress like fighting or combat. This is without a doubt something you should know more about to better understand the stages of any self-defense scenario! This book will help you to a better understanding of what goes on in your mind and your body - and why a person may act, feel or think the way he or she does during and after these extreme situations.

The book also discusses a theme that Grosmann wrote about in the equally fascinating book: "On Killing". That is the dilemma we most certainly will face if we are faced with the possibility of harming or indeed killing another human being. Anyone who are tempted to give easy solutions and superficial explanations to questions like these should really spend time and read this book! The authors speak from a wealth of experience on their own, as well as that of many others who have been facing the use of deadly force. Since the book is American there is some bias here on the use of guns and other firearms. Even so the theme is of great importance in any serious confrontations, armed or unarmed.

This is a book that is based upon solid research, knowledge, experience and modern day theories. But more than this it is a practical book - one that gives the reader solid advice and guidance. It is a wise book, written by two experienced "warriors" and peace seekers. Because they both have been there, they offer insights, but also hope, help and comfort. I can't do anything but recommend this book!

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Dave Grossman and Loren W. Christensen

bullet Published:

USA, NY, 2004

bullet By:

PPCT Research Publications

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