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The Martial Arts Athlete, by Tom Seabourne

The Martial Arts Athlete, by Tom Seabourne


This book: "The Martial Arts Athlete - Mental and Physical Conditioning for Peak Performance" is written by Tom Seabourn. Mr. Seabourn is a seasoned taekwondo fighter and sports psychologist. He is also a certified member of the American Council on Exercise and the American College of Sports Medicine. I have no doubt what so ever then, that he knows what he's talking about. 

In the book the author presents various mind/body exercises for peak performance, such as meditation, imagery, relaxation and mental skills to help you improve focus and discipline as well as handle pain and stress. The reader is also presented with various physical exercises for speed, strength, balance, flexibility and such - all with at the martial arts athlete in mind. Further, Tom Seabourn discusses nutrition, overtraining, brathing and more. All in all an impressive menu!

So the content is great. That don't mean a thing if the presentation is bad, content is hard to grasp or the methods very not suited to the purpose. Luckily, the stuff here is very well laid out, easy to comprehend and ready to be used. Also it is great to see that the focus is not only on taekwondo, but on martial arts as a whole. This means any fighter (especially in the punching and kicking arts) will be able to benefit from the book. In my opinion the author is wise by not using the typical, traditional martial arts uniform at all in the book.

Without a doubt any serious and modern coach or trainer will find valuable tips on alternative ways to do strength training, flexibility exercises and so on. Even if you don't fight or compete, or if you don't have students that fight or compete - it is not a bad thing at all to know more about modern sports psychology, medisin, nutrition and training. After all peak performance is just that: peak performance! In other words: To be in shape you've gotta be in shape...

This is a very thorough, easy to use and well presented book with lots of up-to-date information. It is hereby recommended to you.

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Tom Seabourn

bullet Published:

USA, Mass., 1998

bullet By:

YMAA Publication Center

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