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Keep Yourself Safe, by Detective Janet Rodgers

"Keep Yourself Safe", a book by detective Janet Rodgers

This book "Keep Yourself Safe" has been written by a female British police detective named Janet Rogers. She has more than 20 years experience from the Metropolitan Police Force (in London), working with victims of robberies, rape and other sexual crimes on a daily basis.

In "Keep Yourself Safe: The Complete Guide to Self-Defence Techniques for Any Situation" she goes through different problems that you (male, female, young or old) may encounter. Then she shows how you can plan ahead and act to make things safer out on the town, in a taxi (cab), on the bus or subway, in your car, and so on.

By giving you various simple "streetsmart" advice you will receive practical, no-nonsense tips on how to be safer and protect yourself in these various situations.

This is a book that is logical, easy to read, well constructed and practical all along. It has chapters with headings such as Robberies, Rape, Helping Others, Public Transport, Using Self-Defence and so on.

This is a modern and fine book indeed, written for both genders by someone who obviously knows the issues here inside and out. It is a book that have my absolute best recommandations. Janet Rogers has also written this book: "Safe at all times". This book ("Safe at all times") is aimed primarily at the North-American market (USA) and is somewhat different to "Keep Yourself Safe".

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Janet Rodgers

bullet Published:

London, 2002

bullet By:

Marks & Spencer/Carrol & Brown Publishers Ltd.

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