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Freedom from Fear, by Peyton Quinn

Freedom from Fear, by Peyton Quinn

The only thing that I can find about this book that remotely resembles anything negative is this: From reading the title alone (or glancing at the cover), you may get the impression that this is "merely" a self-help book - dealing with how to reduce stress, dissolving depression etc. Yes, it is that too, but it is so much more. In fact it is a brilliant book about a lot of "stuff".

With my background and way of looking at things, the most interesting part here (for me) is the in-depth look at the stress/adrenal reactions concerning self-defense, conflicts, and a host of other related situations. With a "been-there, done-that" background both as a bouncer and a successful businessman, Peyton Quinn shows how much is common ground when dealing with troublemakers, bullies and potential violent personalities - be it on the streets, at work, in relations or within the board rooms.

Here you will be presented with a lot (and I do stress a LOT) of useful and clarifying information. Almost like magic, the author manages to pull it all together into one coercive unity. That unity, and overall target is to deal with depression, fear and stress, but it is done by looking at themes like adrenal reactions, self-defense, violent and negative behavior, how bullies "interview" their intended victim, what causes fear and anger, how to respond to it, sales and presentation, communication, reality based training, facing your troublemakers and much more. Throughout the book Quinn relates to his own and other researchers findings, but without getting too technical or "deep" (in a mumbo jumbo way). Very refreshing, and very easy to follow and relate to!

Thankfully, the author shows very little of the usual machismo attitude that you may find in books stemming from people with a real-life fighting background. This is a person who has lived a while, and who obviously has done a lot of soul searching, and who has come up with some profound knowledge - not about violence per se, but about living and leading a better life. This is a very clear, very positive and very practical book - bravo!

Rather than listening to me rambling on about all the good stuff here, I urge you to go out and buy it. Beg, borrow, or almost steal if you have to, just get the book! Your martial arts will be benefit from it, and you will find many interesting things to reflect upon.

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Peyton Quinn

bullet Published:

USA, Kearney, NE 2004

bullet By:

Morris Publishing

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