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Fight Back - Your guide to self-defense

"Fight Back - Your guide to self-defense" by Eric Lee

Eric Lee was born in China. He moved together with his family to Hong Kong, and went from there to Oakland, California. Settled in the USA, the family eventually opened up a Chinese restaurant. Since Eric Lee was rather small, he soon took up martial arts in order to feel safer and being able to stand his ground. He trained several arts, kung fu primarilly, and he was known in the US as the "King of Kata". He has also participated in several martial arts related movies.

As indicated by the title, this book is about self-defense (no kata here). Fortunately there are a lot of ok and good techniques being presented. It is always a pleasure to see moves being shown with some "liveness", just like they are here! Far too many books seem to be more of the "I'm-bored-can-we-eat-now?" variety. The fact that the techniques are shown in 1980's clothing style should be viewed as a bonus I guess :-)

You will find the usual dose of background information: the mechanics of violence, rape, robbery, assaults etc. You will also read about prevention and avoidance strategy and tactics. When I say "usual dose" this is not meant in a negative sense. What you find here is all together solid stuff, and it is equally in place today as it was "way" back then. Yes things change at a great speed, but not this fast! Truly, fashion changes (and I guess we all should be greatful for that), but people are pople, and human interaction is the same.

Further you will find examples on make-shift weapons, like keys, and you will be shown techniques using the body as a weapon (hands, feet, head, knees etc.). Ending the book there is a discussion on the mental/psychological perspecives of self-defense.

In between are various physical methods of defense. These are shown in different scenarios, like an attempted rape, attacks inside of a car, against several assailants, in an office aso. Rather refreshing really. You can do much worse than reading this book. As always, I recommend you try Abebooks or Amazon (link on you left).

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Eric Lee

bullet Published:

California, 1982

bullet By:

Unique Publications

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