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Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts, by Draeger and Smith

"Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts" av Draeger og Smith

Before being given the title: "Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts", the book was called "Asian Fighting Arts". If something has been added to make it "comprehensive", is something I don't know. Eiteher way it is more than a "should have" - it is a must have for anyone seriously interested in martial arts, martial sports and budo.

The authors, the legendary Donn F. Draeger together with Robert W. Smith, takes up the huge task of presenting the martial arts and traditions from all of Asia: China, India, Pakistan, Korea, Thailand, Japan, Okinawa, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

This solid, comprehensive (I know the title says so... :-), and well reasearched book is regarded as one of the best sources around as to what is "correct and true" regarding the arts, their history and background. In many ways it is a prime reference work - if not the prime reference work - and as such, one that you should treat yourself to!

The authors are showing the parallels between the ancient combative systems of the East and the West. The main focus is though, as indicated in the title, the Oriental systems and styles, and the connections between those. If you are in any doubt at this point, I'll spell it out for you: Buy this book!

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Authors:

Donn F. Draeger and Robert W. Smith

bullet Published:

USA, 1983

bullet By:

Kodansha International

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