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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Martial Arts

'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Martial Arts', by Cezar Borkowski and Marion Manzo

Our Canadian friends, kyoshi Cezar Borkowski and shihan Marion Manzo from Northern Karate Schools in Toronto have written this volume in the "Complete Idiot's Guide" series: "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Martial Arts". From what I know this is a Canadian series of books that is also well known in the USA.

It doesn't take a fully fledged brilliant mind to figure out that this is a book primarily for the beginner, or for anyone who wishes to know more about the arts as a whole.

Any how you will find lots of information in this volume, and you'll even have a great time reading it! The sense of humor, the high level of knowledge and the vast experience of the authors shines through all along - making this an enjoyable read.

This huge book is a massive 334 pages thick and it's built up in well laid out modules or sections. It takes the reader through the historical and cultural backdrops, what the martial arts are about, and in to what the various arts are about - arts like judo, karate, taekwondo, ju jitsu, muay thai, kung fu, aikido, tai chi and so on.

You will find small side-notes with sayings, important things to remember, pictures and funny drawings spread out along with the text. This, combined with an overall tight structure makes it an effortless read.

In "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Martial Arts" the novice as well as the more advanced student and teacher will find lots of interesting stuff and food for thought. Like stated earlier you will also have fun while you read and study - my kind of book completely. Now, let's write "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Complete Idiot's Guide for Dummies" :-)

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Authors:

Cezar Borkowski, Marion Manzo

bullet Published:

Ontario, Canada, 1999

bullet By:

Alpha Books - Prentice-Hall Canada Inc.

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