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Cheap Shots, Ambushes and Other Lessons by Marc MacYoung

Cheap Shots, Ambushes and Other Lessons av Marc 'Animal' MacYoung

Marc "Animal" MacYoung is the author to a long string of books related to violence and self-defense. Amongst those you will find: "Knives, Knife Fighting, & Related Hassles" (read more about this one here), and "A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence quickly" (click here to read more about it). In true fashion (that is with lots of self-centered stories, a rough style, humor and wild stories) MacYoung tell it "as it is". But hey, there is a reason to the "Animal" nickname...

By all means, this is a good book, and itdoes shed light on some very vital perspectives of combat, fighting and self-defense. The ultimate one (for me) is this: It's all about attitude and motivation/spirit! Choice of techniques, gender, strength and other factors are secondary in importance. Even someone with no or minimal training can do a lot of damage if the fighting spirit or drive is strong enough (one example being a mother protecting her child). To me, this fact undermines the everyday (and really stupid) claim that "X, y and z art is not really self-defense!", "That technique wouldn't work in a real confrontation!", or "Women can not defend themselves against a male agressor!" The Author has this view on it: "Self-defense is a state of awareness. It isn't being able to break boards or make funny-sounding squeals while spinning."

In the book you will find many topics about self-defense and protection. What you won't find is pure physical self-defense techniques as such. Rather, the aim is to discuss and show how to use strategy and tactics, being alert (awareness), how an assailant sees things, how the perpetrator does things (alone or in team with others), diversions, danger signs, escalations and  more.

There is lots of information here, for the novice as well as the more experienced person. Just want some basic background in order to take better care of yourself? Great, you can find information about that. Wanting to be better at fighting? Yes, you can find stuff about that too. The book is recommended both because of the content as well as for the flamboyant style. The language is on the rough side though, so be warned! Anyone familiar with the autor's style know what to expect, this is no "Shopping for Girls" :-). Just to be on the safe side here: Yes, if you are female, you may benefit from the book too. Survial, self-defense and safety is not a "guy-thing"!

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Marc MacYoung

bullet Published:

USA, Colorado, 1992

bullet By:

Paladin Press

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