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A Woman's guide to Martial Arts, by Monica McCabe Cardoza

A Woman's guide to Martial Arts, by Monica McCabe Cardoza

Monica McCabe Cardoza has written this book: "A Woman's guide to Martial Arts". The author is a black belt in Okinawa Goju-ryu karate.

This book by McCabe Cardoza, as well as others like: "Martial Arts for Women - a practical guide", by Jennifer Lawler is an answer to the challenges that many women still faces in the world of martial arts. It would have been great if the two genders were on equal terms at all times. Sadly this it not the case in every aspects of the arts.

The book is built up using chapters that should be easy to relate to for women seeking more information about the topic. The reader is presented to reasons why martial arts is a great option for women, the various arts that you can take up, what the arts are about, various myths and realities, what to look for, questions that you should ask an instructor, sparring etc.

Even if this book is American, all the topics are equally relevant other places - it is gender spesific - not country/location or art spesific.

This book should potentially give any woman, and most men also, great new insight to and knowledge about martial arts for women. It is balanced and well written, giving lots of practical, no-nonsense advice and direction.

Apart from doing a search on Amazon (link in the left column), remember to try searching on Abebooks also!

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Monica McCabe Cardoza

bullet Published:

Woodstock, New York., 1996

bullet By:

The Overlook Press

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