Logo: Ju Jitsu Norway - leading Norwegian ju jitsu and self-defence!

Art - Self-defense
Fitness - Sports

About these Ju Jitsu Norway pages


Our English home page

Norwegian index

Ju Jitsu






JJN syllabus

Our ever-growing resouce center

Martial Arts



At work

About JJN

World Kobudo Federation

Go to Kick Martial Arts Dojo, our main dojo in Oslo!

Contact us here!






f it has been some time since you last paid us a visit, you will notice that we've done quite a bit of changes around here, preferably to the better! This way it will be easier for you to find relevant and interesting information on ju jitsu in general, and Ju Jitsu Norge/Norway in particular (Norge is our name for Norway).

 Word of wisdom:

"If you always give, you will always have""

(Chinese proverb)

Ju JItsu Norge (Ju Jitsu Norway) badge





If you are seraching for martial arts as a whole (or other arts than ju jitsu), then plese visit: http://www.your-martial-arts-resources.com. Lots of great info there! Don't forget to check out all the free info at The Vault!

It was more than fifteen years ago that these pages were first put to use as a domain for Oslo Ju Jitsu club and Ju Jitsu Norway. Our club/dojo later changed it's name to Kick (Kick Karate and Ju Jitsu club). All the time this has been the first place for many to seek information about the issues mentioned above.

Our dojo has throughout the years been the main base for the JJN style, as well as the hub of Norwegian ju jitsu.

Since you have taken the time to visit us here, it is only natural to assume that you seek an answers to one or more questions.

It may be that you are here as a private citizen - adult man or woman, a child or a teenager. Maybe your issues are related to being a teacher or instructor, a present or former student? Perhaps you are a parent seeking out a suitable and positive activity and training ground for you child? 

No matter the purpose of your visit, or whichever route you have taken to reach us here, we will put our best foot forward to try and help you out. And we will do our best to make your stay worthwhile.

Use the buttons on your left to search our ever-growing pages! These main pages are pointing to other sub-pages so there will be (eventually) a lot to read and digest. Like any serious place on the web we will be updating the information at a regular interval, so it is advisable that you bookmark us and come back from time to time!

As the pages here are being built, you will find information about:

- Ju jitsu training in Norway

- Where is the nearest dojo?

- Ju jitsu for adults of both genders, kids from the age of five

- Ju jitsu competitions

- Martial arts

- Resources we recommend (books, articles, software etc.)

- Self-defense (or -defence as they would spell it in 'proper' English...).

- How we perform seminars and courses

- Training for army personel, police, social workers, public transport personel etc.

- Various organisations nationally and internationally, and much, much more!

If you are looking for information about good quality training on self-defense, fitness, "wellness", personal growth and competition - all based on modern day principles - then you have come to the right place! JJN training is built and based on tradition, culture and a vast experience. It is equally suitable for both sexes. It incorporates self-defense, fitness, flexibility, coordination, strength and stamina into one gugely fun and addictive package. Not to forget, it is something that you can continue doing for years at your own pace, without any pressure.

If you miss anything, we really hope you get in touch and tell us! If we cannot answer you directly we will point you to someone who can be of more help. We will be delighted if you find the information herein helpful in any way. It is presented wih pride, and given to you with the best of intentions. Enjoy, have fun, be positive and take care!

Torbjørn Arntsen, signatur 

[Norwegian index] [Home] [Contact us] [Ju jitsu] [Self-defense] [Adults] [Children] [Fitness] [Competition]
[JJN syllabus] [Resources] [Martial arts] [Courses] [Seminars] [At work] [JJN] [WKF] [Kick] [Contact us]


All rights reserved ©: Ju Jitsu Norge, Torbjorn Arntsen, 2004 - 2008
Copyright to Ju Jitsu Norge, 2004 - 2008